SUNCLIM: “Research-Create-Innovate”, Project Code: T1EDK-04359 “SunClim: Integrated Solar Heating and Cooling System”, aiming at the development of advanced, high-efficiency technologies and their integration into a simple and flexible solar heating and cooling system consisting of an enhanced, high efficiency, high temperature flat plate solar collectors, a heating and cooling system based on the application of the vapor compression cycle (VCC) and the ejector cooling cycle (ECC), a roof heating/cooling element with low temperature radiation and nanofluids of optimized thermal performance in the heating/cooling circuit.
SYNLASER: “Research-Create-Innovate”, Project Code: T1EDK-00814 “Assembly and wire-bonding of electronic circuits using laser printing processes”, aiming at the development of new processes for the assembly and wire bonding of electronic circuits with digital laser printing and sintering technology of competitive precision and printing speed, the development of a laboratory prototype integrating the bonding and assembly processes and the formulation of printable materials with silver and copper nanoparticles, designed for the laser processing technology.
REALCAP: “Research-Create-Innovate”, Project Code: T2EDK-01911 “Investigation under realistic conditions of innovative pilot-scale process using phase-change solvents for CO2 capture from quicklime process”, aiming at the investigation of the effects of pollutants in pilot plant CO2 capture unit for phase-change solvents of technology readiness level 4 (TRL), in corrosion of materials used in CO2 capture units, in phase-equilibrium of phase-change solvents and in the design of optimum CO2 capture processes for the CAO quicklime industry, with simultaneous investigation of possibilities for geological storage.